Friday, April 24, 2015

Twinkle Twinkle Little Star with Tessa, my Granddaughter

Tessa wanted to be on the singing page, and wanted to sing this song, so here she is!

Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, Sung by Tessa

Monday, April 20, 2015

Waddley Atcha

This is a great class, always learn things so quick!

Waddley Atcha

Waddley Atcha

Waddley Atcha, Waddley Atcha,    Doodel-e-do,  Do, Doodel-e-do

Waddley Atcha, Waddley Atcha,    Doodel-e-do,  Do, Doodel-e-do

Simplest thing there ain't much to it

All you gotta do is Doodel-e-do it

I like the rest, but the part I like best is

Doodel-e,  Doodel-e-do!

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

I Love The Mountains, A Song Sung In a Round

A great campfire song, or fun to sing in the car, or while hiking, or working around the house. 

I Love The Mountains, A Round

Monday, April 13, 2015

Eddy Kooch Catcha Karum Toesa Neara Toesa Noga Samma Kamma Whacky Brown (+Chords in 3 Keys)

Kids LOVE this song!  It is fun to sing.  Chords/lyrics below, Key of A, & D and F below

Eddy Koocha Catcha Karum…. @ Elementary School

Eddy Koocha…. with 3rd/4th Split Class

Eddy Koocha Catcha Karum (Key of A) (above)

Let me tell you a story About:
A                                           D                                        E                        A       
Eddy Koocha Catcha Karum, Toesa Neara Toesa Noga, Sama Kama Wacky Brown
Eddy Koocha Catcha Karum, Toesa Neara Toesa Noga, Sama Kama Wacky Brown

A                            D                         E                                    A
Feel into the well, fell into the well, fell into the deep dark well.

D   E    A    D          E         A        D    E     A           D                    E                                  
Suzy Jones, passing by the well,  saw him fall, and went inside to tell her Ma that
Eddy…(repeat x 2)
Feel into the well, fell into the well, fell into the deep dark well.

D   E    A    D         E             A        D       E     A          D                        E
Suzy’s ma, makin’ crakclin’ bread, called old Joe, and told him that her Suzy said that
Eddy….(repeat x 2)
Feel into the well, fell into the well, fell into the deep dark well.

D       E     A    D        E        A       D          E    A            D                 E
Then old Joe, put his plow aside, grabbed his cane, and hobbled into town and cried that - 
Eddy….(repeat x 2)
Feel into the well, fell into the well, fell into the deep dark well.

D        E    A       D      E      A        D     E  A            D                     E
From  the town, everybody came, what a shame, it took so long to say his name that
Eddy….(repeat x 2)



Eddy Koocha Catcha Karum, Key of D

Let me tell you a story About:
D                                        G                                    A                          D
Eddy Koocha Catcha Karum, Toesa Neara Toesa Noga, Sama Kama Wacky Brown
(WHO?)                               G                                    A                         D
Eddy Koocha Catcha Karum, Toesa Neara Toesa Noga, Sama Kama Wacky Brown

D                           G                         A                                 D
Feel into the well, fell into the well, fell into the deep dark well.

G  A  D        G         A         D      G    A     D           G                    A
Suzy Jones, passing by the well, saw him fall, and went inside to tell her Ma that
Eddy…(repeat x 2)
Feel into the well, fell into the well, fell into the deep dark well.

G  A    D     G         A           D        G         A    D           G                       A
Suzy’s ma, makin’ crakclin’ bread, called old Joe, and told him that her Suzy said that

Eddy….(repeat x 2)
Feel into the well, fell into the well, fell into the deep dark well.
G      A     D     G         A      D       G          A   D             G                   A
Then old Joe, put his plow aside, grabbed his cane, and hobbled into town and cried that-

Eddy….(repeat x 2)
Feel into the well, fell into the well, fell into the deep dark well.
G      A     D       G      A      D        G     A  D           G                     A
From the town, everybody came, what a shame, it took so long to say his name that=

Eddy….(repeat x 2)


Eddy Koocha Catcha Karum   (Key of F)

Let me tell you a story About:
F                                           Bb                                                                 F        
Eddy Koocha Catcha Karum, Toesa Neara Toesa Noga, Sama Kama Wacky Brown
Eddy Koocha Catcha Karum, Toesa Neara Toesa Noga, Sama Kama Wacky Brown

F                             Bb                      C                                    F
Feel into the well, fell into the well, fell into the deep dark well.
Bb  C  F      Bb       C         F      Bb    C    F          Bb                  C        
Suzy Jones, passing by the well,  saw him fall, and went inside to tell her Ma that-
Eddy… (repeat x 2)
Feel into the well, fell into the well, fell into the deep dark well.

Bb  C   F   Bb       C            F        Bb     C    F           Bb                     C
Suzy’s ma, makin’ crakclin’ bread, called old Joe, and told him that her Suzy said that
Eddy….(repeat x 2)
Feel into the well, fell into the well, fell into the deep dark well.

Bb    C    F    Bb       C      F        Bb        C    F            Bb                C          
Then old Joe, put his plow aside, grabbed his cane, and hobbled into town and cried that
Eddy….(repeat x 2)
Feel into the well, fell into the well, fell into the deep dark well.

Bb       C   F      Bb    C      F        Bb   C  F          Bb                   C                              
From  the town, everybody came, what a shame, it took so long to say his name that
Eddy….(repeat x 2)
